These are some of the villagers you’ll meet in Yonten’s hometown. The woman on the far left with the hammer is Yonten’s mother, the bearded guy with a half-cut is his dad and the giant horned guy is one of the 3 big elders. Yonten also has a scrawny older brother.

Yonten’s mother and father are village guardians He inherits the axe/hammer weapon-style from them.

Also, bonus lore! Yetis are snow demons!

September 13, 2018

Im so excited for that dragon animation when its done…or is it gonna be paywalled?


Uhm as far as I know the public build is a month behind the patreon build of the game, but i don’t think you have to support much at all to get access to that, couple dollars at most. Considering the effort that goes into these things it doesn’t seem unreasonable of an ask.

The public version of the game is always released a month behind the Patreon version. You can get access to the Patreon game for $2 a month, and with just over a year left on the development pipeline, unless a major issue comes up (Patreon dissolving, etc) if you started donating now you’d be paying less than $20 towards the development of the game.

The reason Team Nimbus is using Patreon to support the development of the game is because it pays the salaries of the staff. New staff goals are typically $3000 from the last because after fees that money goes to that person’s salary.

We appreciate that everyone’s financial situations are different, but if you have $2 a month to contribute to the development of the game it really does add up to a big difference. 

-QC | Cloud Meadow Fanblog Mod


Did a very rough loop idea for Kreyton based off of one of @dieselbrain ‘s sketches, timing and some of the frames are off but i loved the boob squish ❤ I’d like to come back to this at some point~ 

The Kreyton and Evan scene that the Patreon supporters voted for was of course this one, which Diesel animated so skillfully. But man, that boob squish is top quality.


My first animation task on Cloud Meadow ❤ I’m knocking the rust off of my animating muscles bit by bit. I really enjoyed doing their butts :3c 

I have some big boots to fill regarding the talent and skill that has gone into the animations in CM thus far, but I’m gonna give this my all every step of the way to improve and meet the stellar standard that @dieselbrain and co have already established. 

Beautiful hand and toe movements! Your attention to secondary movements is fantastic, Red!

I’m super excited to see what you can accomplish with CM. If this sample is any indication it’s going to be great 🙂

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