The first set of pallet swaps are all blocked out and currently being added to the game. This is the plan for their colors, and how those colors pass along between generations. We also have some extra ones that’ll find their way in through other methods, if rather rarely.

Basically though, each column shows what a parent of a monster will be able to pass on in coloration to a child of a different species! Chimera is a weird one, because technically they’re super mutable, but of all the monster species, they are the ones who are the most able to absorb magic (besides dragons), because they are drawn from multiple species and can absorb a lot of different magical wavelengths. This tends to mean that their children are super-saturated with magic in a way that doesn’t lead to feralness, but does tint them the color of manacrystals throughout their bodies, leading to a distinct purple hue. What about the purple hue in a chimera? That is something you’ll have to find out in game.

Out of curiosity, what were the other 10 monsters going to be before it was decided the rest would be genderbends?

The 10 other monsters would likely have included some version of the monsters that didn’t make the original 10 monsters ignore chimera, lamia, and cyclops, this is an old image). 

If those monsters didn’t prove to be popular enough, Spurple would likely have consulted with the Patreon supporters to find out what kind of monsters they wanted to see in the game.

-QC | Cloud Meadow Fanlblog Mod

These kind of go together so I’m going to answer them at the same time. These two have been sitting here for a bit so I do apologize about that!

So for those not aware, originally Chimera was going to get a flipped version of the sex scenes. So where they are straight in game they were going to get a set of gay versions later on. However, this was just a ‘we hope we can do this and it’s not 100% guaranteed’. This was also before the goal to get a second animator happened and Crab came into existence.

Now that Crab is in she fills the spot where Chimera’s flipped sex scenes were going to be. The game had a max planned total of 20 monsters which, with both of them, is now reached. Adding in a flip for both these monsters would add in another monster slot (since chimera stays the same body wise) as well as 4 more HD sex scenes.

As purple said “That’s a tough question that I unfortunately cannot answer at the moment. Our monsters are -maxed
out- at 20.″

So to answer both of these, it’s very unlikely at this time.They still got a lot of work to do so when they get closer to being complete they may be able to find out if they could do it or not officially. But for the moment there’s a lot that needs to get done before they can look at those two monsters and consider those options.

-Conter | Cloud Meadow Fanblog Mod

Wait if genderbends are gonna get implemented how is this going to affect the chimera? Are they going to have a different look or are they gonna have the same look but this time with homosexual scenes with eve/evan?

Since chimera are already both genders/sexes at once, they won’t get a genderswap, no, but you are correct that they will get homosexual scenes with Eve/Evan instead ^^ Asking Spurp about it, they just need to think of a way to make it work in game, and may be using an item to toggle it. Guess we’ll see!

With lot of the discussion on chimera, Team Nimbus has come out with some really good clarification! Really happy to see that gay relationships are totally possible with chimera 🙂

Remember, chimera questions (especially what if type questions) should probably be directed to the team! The Patreon now has a chimera post too, so you can comment there directly ^^

April 4th, 2017






March 5, 2017

Chimera loves dat thicccc. Enjoy these awesome fun pics from Spacedust!!

(note: the feeder thing isn’t canon. I don’t think.)

Feeder chimera returns! Evan gets the hardier treat of fried egg on toast, but it still looks really into it.

March 7, 2017

Neither Lyn or I are on the CM Discord so we missed this gem from SpaceDust! Chimera likes ‘em extra thicc.

Chimera is a connoisseur of delicious, fattening food.  I’d make that face for the burger too.

March 29, 2017


You can have your cake and eat it too!

April 1, 2017

Just wanted to add a comment in relation to the last ask– intersex people don’t have “both genitals” actually. Humans don’t really get born with “both genitals”, even when they have uncommon set ups. There are a wide range of intersex conditions, some of which cause infertility and some of which don’t. Generally, if folks are fertile, it’s either eggs or sperm and not both. Also, fXf and mXm scenes should be totally possible as long as those pairings are fertile. (Trans characters for example.)

Thanks for the information! 

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